Monday, February 13, 2006

No Humor Yet

I always try to find something humorous about most bad things that happen to me.
This time I haven't come up with anything funny about the last bad event.
Last week I defied gravity and gained 10 feet in elevation without any effort from me. Some have said it was a true miracle.
The unfortunate incident took place when I decided to go out in the frozen darkness and start my vehicle. I needed to warm it up before we took the daily trip to the Post Office.
I slipped on my boots, without putting on my coat, because I was only going to be outside for a minute. I then started down the 10 steps of my porch.
The really ugly thing about all of this is that I had just been out there sweeping all of the snow off of those mean steps. I knew there was a thin layer of ice on each step. However it had snowed a few more flakes on the steps hiding that thin little layer of ice.
Being in a bit of a hurry, not having a coat on, I bravely hit the first step with my right foot.
That is where the miracle took place. Instead of simply falling down the steps on my rear-end, I know that I went straight up in the air at least 10 feet before I came down on the very top step. I think I done at least two complete spins in mid-air before I came down exactly on my poor old tail-bone. Another miracle is I was able to hit each of the ten frozen steps and the frozen ground on exactly the same damaged area. If I didn't already know that there were only ten steps, I would have sworn that it was 50 feet down those stairs.
Well, so far it has costed me a fishing trip last week. I had to tell Sid, my old fishing partner, about the incident. He was able to contain a chuckle, although I could hear it in the tone of his voice. He offered the use of a tire inner-tube with a hole in the middle to comfort me. I know very well he was doing his best to contain a very large belly-laugh.
He was helpful though, to inform me that the third day would be the worse. I thanked him for the encouragement.
It has been a week and things still ain't much better. There... I knew you were concerned!!
Sid has invited me on another fishing trip for tomorrow. I am going to ride that bouncy Argo 5 miles back into a frozen lake to catch some slimy fish!
Picture this...Old Bubba runs to get the pole that is jerking with a fish on the line, and slips on the ice falling on his poor old broken butt.
What would you do??
This may turn into a GOOD BYE blog. I likely couldn't live through an event such as that!!
I'm digging a big hole in the ice for Sid to shove me down in case I do fall. I know I couldn't ride all of the miles back to the truck on that Argo!!
I'm amazed how many of my friends find my miss-step to be something that brings a big smile to their unconcerned faces.
Am I missing something here? As hard as I have tried to find something funny about all of this, I have come up empty. Actually, I find it kind of a sore subject.


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